Roxanne Hall was born and raised in Leadville, Colorado. She grew up in a very artistic family. Her father Ted Mullings, was the commercial artist for Climax Molybedenum Company for over 40 years. Her Mother, Audie, was a talented watercolorist and ran the family art gallery called “The Little Cottage Art Gallery” on West 8th Street in Leadville. 

Roxanne studied art, French and education at Western State College and University of Wyoming.  She taught art for 10 years at the middle school in Leadville.  She now works with her husband, Ty Hall, operating their business the Tennessee Pass Nordic Center, Cookhouse and Sleep Yurts.

In June 6th, 2008 while on a training ride, Roxanne was hit by a car and suffered many serious injuries including a lacerated liver and pancreas, five broken vertebrae, severed ACL and torn MCL of the left knee and many other injuries. Because she survived this horrible accident, many people said that she must have had a guardian angel watching over her. She created the “Ange Gardien du Velo,” which in French means “Guardian Angel of the Bike.” This is to keep her family, friends and anyone who rides safe.

It is to be worn while riding or anytime one needs extra strength.   Bonne Chance! (Good Luck!)